November 2022

An outstanding dusting cloth

When I was in primary school in Japan, at the beginning of each new school term, every student was asked to bring in one dusting cloth from home. In the class of 40 children, after each one brought one dusting cloth, a pile of 40 dusting cloths was formed, which was then used in our

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The Golden Snack Time

Several years ago, I happened to have six free months to spend in my hometown in between my studies. The initial plan was to stay at my parents’ house, but it soon turned out that it was difficult for me to live with my parents as an adult every day without having any social commitment.

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Muddy Dress and Tearful Evening

When I was five years old, my grandmother bought me a Sailor Moon dress. It was a dress modelled after the costume of the character Sailor Moon, and when I wore it, it made me look like Sailor Moon. The dress quickly became my favourite. Back then, Sailor Moon dresses were popular among girls of

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Full Stomach Diner

When I was three or four, there was a time when it was just me and my father at home. My mother was staying at a hospital with my baby brother, who had a special heart condition to be looked after. My father was capable of cooking, but he wasn’t into cooking, so when it

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Pretending to be serious

Throughout my childhood, I learned piano at a local music school designed for children and teenagers. The school had a rigorous curriculum, and in addition to the weekly piano lessons, every Saturday, we were required to participate in one choir practice and one music theory class as a way to develop our musical capacity. I

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The Love for Small Shopping

For as long as I have known him, my father loves shopping. Not of any kind, but specifically, small shopping. He loves to buy his daily necessities at a cheap price, such as stationary items and night snacks. Back in Japan, one of his favourite stores is the 100-yen shop, the Japanese counterpart of a

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