childhood memories

Toothpaste on the staircase

My father has a habit of walking around the house while brushing his teeth. After each meal, he puts a generous amount of toothpaste on his toothbrush, and as he starts brushing his teeth, he wanders off from the bathroom, walking around the house and often talking to my mother about some random thoughts that […]

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Riding a bike with wet hair

As long as I have known him, my father has always been a person who preferred to take a shower in the morning, even though the common practice in Japan was to take a proper bath in the evening. Whenever an invitation was extended to him for a fresh bath in the evening, he would

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You were crying, weren’t you?

One day, when I was four years old, I was playing with my two best friends and another close friend one year older than us. In the backend of our community of tiny half-dilapidated apartments, there was an open space where the local buses would come around to spend their extra minutes out of service.

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A view from a hole

When I was between the age of four and six and when my family lived in the community of tiny half-dilapidated apartments, I used to play a lot with my two best friends in the square park in front of my apartment building. Among one of the things we played most often was the game

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I’m not sleeping.

When my little brother was about the age of two, he used to take a nap once every afternoon. When it was time for his nap, my mother would play Pachelbel’s Canon on our CD player, a daily cue which told everyone at home what was about to happen next. Both my brother and I

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Memory of Two Chocolate Biscuits

When I was little, my mother kept a very strict rule for us children around snacking. Unlike at my friends’ house where snacks of all kinds including potato chips and chocolates were readily available all through the day, at my home, our snack was provided only once a day in the afternoon. The content of

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A Table with Inconvenient Legs

When I was in primary school, there was a shopping complex in our suburban neighbourhood that my mother used to visit regularly for the weekly grocery shopping. I often accompanied her whenever I was at home and wasn’t doing anything else. But since grocery shopping didn’t interest me much back then, I always brought a

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